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Litigation Support


Expert Witness Testimony

Divisibility & Allocation

Product Liability

Cost Recovery

Process Chemistry

Waste & Wastewater Treatment

Expert Reports


Environmental Forensics

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Release History

Glatfelter, Arrowhead Landfill, PCB OU1

Sediment Transport

Sediment Transport Geomorph

PCB Apportionment

PCB Apportionment

Source Identification & Liability Cost Apportionment

  • Nature and source-specific origin of contamination.

  • Scientifically sound evidence to establish source-specific responsibility.

  • Demonstrated a "reasonable basis" for establishing their specific contribution.

  • Recent Ruling in favor of Client in Federal 7th Circuit Court of Appeal.

Our expert witness group recognizes that effective litigation support encompasses more than just technical excellence.  Successful litigation support requires experts that can develop effective strategies that educate, while presenting scientific fact in a clear, concise, and credible manner.  We work directly with attorneys to develop a working knowledge of complex technical matters and how those matters relate to the regulatory issues.  We possess the ability to quickly review and assimilate large quantities of data and information, identify gaps, advance methodologies to fill those gaps and develop optimized strategies that can be defended in the highest courts.  At trial, we know our job is to effectively communicate complex subject matters so that judge and jury not only hear the testimony, but understand the facts.


Our team has extensive experience supporting clients with a desire to develop scientifically sound litigation strategies and obtain the appropriate evidence.  This expertise and technical excellence is a core business practice and has been successfully trial-tested on many sites of environmental contamination over more than 30 years of professional practice in this area.

Success Stories - Litigation Support

Environmental forensics chemistry expert witness support for defendant in sediment contamination divisible harm and cost apportionment lawsuit.

Environmental forensics chemistry expert witness support for plaintiffs in tort and cost recovery lawsuit.

Kania, Matteucci, & Waste Management, Inc. v. The Environmental Quality Co.

Environmental chemistry expert witness support for defense in worker exposure lawsuit.

Scotwood Industries v. Frank Miller & Sons, Inc.

Environmental forensics chemistry expert witness support for plaintiffs in tort and cost recovery lawsuit.

Chevron/Texaco v. Indian Refinery Limited Partnership

Environmental forensics chemistry expert witness support for defense in tort and cost recovery lawsuit.

Yolanda Dixon, et. al. v. Continental Aluminum Company

Environmental forensic chemistry expert witness support for plaintiffs in toxic air emissions class action lawsuit.

Grig Rice, et. al. v. Westinghouse Electric Corporation, et. al.

Environmental forensic chemistry expert witness support for plaintiff in PCB, chlorinated dioxins and chlorinated dibenzofurans contamination problem and lawsuit.

US EPA v. The Marmon Group, Inc. et. al.

Environmental forensic chemistry expert witness support for defense in surface water, groundwater and hazardous waste disposal problem and lawsuit.

US EPA v. City Management Corporation

Environmental forensic chemistry expert witness support for defense in PCB-contaminated material disposal problem and lawsuit.

US EPA v. Safety Kleen Corporation

Environmental forensic chemistry expert witness support for defense in hazardous waste disposal problem and lawsuit.

Mitchell H. Berger, et. al. v. US Patent and Trademark Office

Chemistry expert witness support for patent application involving machine tool coolant recycling method.

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Other Success Stories

  • Hayton Area Remediation Project, New Holstein, Wisconsin (PCB, chlorobenzenes)

  • Kysor Industrial Superfund, Cadillac, Michigan (trichloroethylene, trichloroethanoic acid, xylenes, tetrachloroethylene, chromium)

  • North Bronson Industrial Area Superfund Site, Bronson, Michigan (1,2-dichloroethylene, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, metals)

  • Rice Insulation vs Westinghouse, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, chlorobenzenes, PCB, VOC)

  • Venice Park LF, Lennon, Michigan (Freons, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene)

  • Confidential Landfill, Lansing, Michigan (1,4-Dioxane, VOC, lithium, and boron)

  • Waukegan Harbor, Waukegan, Illinois (polychlorinated biphenyl, trichloroethene, cyanide, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)

  • Woonasquatucket River, North Providence, Rhode Island (chlorodioxins, chlorofurans chloroxanthenes)

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